

Contact information:

Version 0.1
This page was last updated on 04/10/2023.

ACS/Repair Corner, located at Eugeen Woutersstraat 38 b-c, 2220 Heist-op-den-Berg, Belgium, is responsible for the processing of personal data as explained in this privacy policy.


ACS/Repair Corner processes your personal information because you use our services and / or because you provide it to us yourself. Below you can find an overview of the types of data processed by us:

  • Name and first name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • IP address
  • Location data, limited to your region (such as country) for analytical purposes
  • Data regarding your browsing habits on this website
  • Internet browser and device type


Our website and/or service does not intend to collect data on website visitors under the age of 16, unless they have parental or guardian consent. However, we cannot verify whether a visitor is older than 16.

We therefore advise parents to be involved in their children’s online activities to avoid collecting data about children without parental consent.


ACS/Repair Corner processes your data for the following purposes:

  • To call or email you as needed to perform our services
  • ACS/Repair Corner analyzes your behavior on the website in order to improve the website and adapt the range of products and services to your preferences.
  • ACS/Repair Corner tracks your browsing habits across different websites to help us tailor our products and services to your needs.


ACS/Repair Corner does not make decisions based on automated decision making about things that could (significantly) affect people. This is about decisions made by computer programs or systems, without involving humans.


ACS/Repair Corner will not retain your personal data longer than is strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your data is collected. We use the following retention periods for the following (categories) of personal data:

  • Data provided through contact forms: this data is kept for an unlimited period of time, as it is necessary for internal justification of our services and to enable us to perform our services.
  • Data provided through cookies / for analytical purposes: such data is collected and stored in an anonymous manner according to the cookie’s lifetime. Analytical data (such as: Google Analytics) are kept indefinitely, as they are used in statistical comparisons / reports over different time periods.


ACS/Repair Corner only shares your personal data with Google Analytics and Statcounter. We enter into a processor agreement with these companies to ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data.


  • You have the right to access, correct or delete your personal data.
  • In addition, you have the right to withdraw your consent to data processing or object to the processing of your personal data by ACS/Repair Corner.
  • You have the right to data portability. This means you can send us a request to send the personal information we hold about you in a computer file to you or another organization named by you.
  • You may send a request to inspect, correct, delete, transfer your personal data or a request to withdraw your consent or object to the processing of your personal data to sales@acs-online.be. * To ensure that the request for access is made by you, we ask that you send a copy of your proof of identity with the request. Make your passport photo, MRZ (machine-readable zone, the strip of numbers at the bottom of the passport) and passport number black in this copy. This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request as soon as possible, but within four weeks, and may refer you to our website builder.
  • ACS/Repair Corner would also like to point out that you have the opportunity to file a complaint with the national regulator, the Data Protection Authority. This is possible through the following link: https://www.gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit.be/


ACS/Repair Corner takes the protection of your data seriously and takes appropriate measures to prevent misuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized changes. If you have the impression that your data is not secure or there are indications of misuse, please contact us at sales@acs-online.be.


What are Cookies?

As is common with almost all professional Web sites, this site uses cookies. Cookies are small files downloaded to your computer to enhance your online browsing experience. This page describes what information they collect, how we use it, and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We will also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored. However, this may downgrade or “break” certain elements of site functionality.

See the Wikipedia article on for more general information about cookies HTTP Cookies.

How are cookies used?

We use cookies for several reasons described below. Unfortunately, in most cases there are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without completely disabling the functionality and features they add to this website. It is recommended to leave all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not, in case they are used to provide a service you use.

Disabling cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting your browser settings (consult your browser’s Help function for more information on this). Please note that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this and many other websites you visit. Disabling cookies usually disables certain features and functions of this site. Therefore, it is recommended not to disable cookies.

The Cookies We Use

  • Cookies in forms: when you submit data through a form, such as those on contact pages, cookies may be set to remember your user data for future correspondence.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases, we also use cookies from trusted third parties. The following section describes the third-party cookies you may encounter through this site.

  • This site uses Google Analytics, one of the most common and trusted analytics solutions on the web that helps us understand how you use the site and how we can improve your experience. These cookies can track things like the time spent on the site and the pages you visit.
  • Third-party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this site so that we can continue to produce engaging content. These cookies can track things like the time spent on the site and the pages you visit.

More Information

Hopefully this cookie policy has cleared things up for you. As mentioned earlier: it is usually safer to leave cookies enabled in case it does interact with any of the features you use on our site.


If you have any questions or need more information about our disclaimer, please contact us at sales@acs-online.be.


All information on this website – https://acs.online.be/ – is published in good faith and is for informational purposes only. ACS/Repair Corner makes no absolute guarantees as to the completeness, reliability and accuracy of the data mentioned on its website. Any action you take as a visitor based on the information on this website is considered an action taken at your own risk. Prices and products on the ACS/Repair Corner website may differ from reality. ACS/Repair Corner cannot be held liable for any losses and/or damages related to the use of our website.

Links to external websites

You can visit other websites through our website by following hyperlinks to external websites. Although ACS/Repair Corner strives to provide its website with only quality links, we have no control over the (nature of the) content of those websites. Links to external websites cannot be taken as a recommendation for the content of these websites. The owner(s) and/or content of these websites may change unannounced before ACS/Repair Corner has the ability to remove the relevant (bad) link.

Please note that once you leave the ACS/Repair Corner website, other websites have their own privacy policies and terms. ACS/Repair Corner has no control over this. It is recommended that you review the terms and conditions and privacy policies of such sites before entering into an agreement or making information available.


By using our website, you indicate that you have read and accepted this disclaimer.


If the content of this disclaimer changes, the added information will be published here.